FAN COVID-19 Alert
8 April 2020
CIPFA FAN has provided this
Alert to support practitioners accounting under the 2019/20 Code of
Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom (the
Code). We hope you find it of benefit.
The Annual Governance Statement for 2019/20 - Matters to
consider as a result of the coronavirus pandemic
The CIPFA Better Governance
Forum has issued a briefing for its subscribers on how to take
account of the impact of coronavirus on the Annual Governance Statement
(AGS). This is a short summary of key points for FAN, WFAN and SFAN
subscribers. The full briefing is available to subscribers of
the Better Governance Forum.
Reflecting the challenges
from Coronavirus in the AGS
The AGS assesses governance
in place during 2019/20 so the majority of the year will be
unaffected by coronavirus. The conclusion on whether or not
governance is fit for purpose should reflect the normal operations.
However coronavirus will
have impacted on governance during March 2020 and authorities also
need to ensure that the AGS is current at the time of its
publication, so it is essential therefore that the AGS reflects the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on governance. Where necessary, a
second conclusion on the adequacy of governance arrangements during
this period could be included to make clear the impact.
The impact on governance
may fall into the following broad categories:
- Impact on business as usual in the
delivery of services
- New areas of activity as part of
the national response to coronavirus and any governance issues
- The funding and logistical
consequences of delivering the local government response
- Assessment of the longer term
disruption and consequences arising from the coronavirus
Once the crisis is over
authorities are likely to conduct a review of the lessons to be
learned from its response. This could be a suitable area for
inclusion as one of the organisation’s significant governance
For full details of the
requirements of the Annual Governance Statement see Delivering Good
Governance in Local Government Framework 2016 and the Code of
Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom
IFRS 16 Deferral and
Year-end Bulletin
Just to confirm that the
decision at CIPFA/LASAAC this week not to amend the 2019/20 Code
requirements does not impact on the previous decision taken to
defer IFRS 16 in the Code.
To clarify, IFRS 16 Leases
has been deferred a year and will now come into the Code for
2021/22 with a transition date of 1 April 2021, as set out in the
FAN alert on 27 March.
CIPFA has issued this statement in respect of this week's
CIPFA/LASAAC decision. As a consequence of that decision, CIPFA
will be issuing a Year End Bulletin to provide guidance to
practitioners on issues relevant to preparing the 2019/20 accounts.
A draft version will be considered by the Local Authority
Accounting Panel, with the intention of approving and issuing the
Bulletin by the end of next week.
Amendment to Accounts and
Audit Regulations (England)
MHCLG has now issued the Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment)
Regulations 2020 which confirm the extended timetable for the
publication of the 2019/20 financial statements.
As a reminder, all local
authority bodies will have until 30 November 2020 to publish
the audited accounts. The public inspection period must start on or
before the first working day in September, which means that
authorities will have until 31 August at the latest to
publish draft accounts.
The amended regulations
also permit authorities publishing their accounts earlier than
those dates, so for this year authorities must publish the dates
of their public inspection period, explaining why they are
departing from normal practice for 2020.
We hope this subscriber
update is helpful and that you stay healthy and safe during these
unprecedented times.
David, Caroline and Sandra