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The Commissioning Joint Committee Guide to Service Sharing


Service sharing has moved on a long way, and a great deal of experience has been gained in the traditional ways of sharing services, and some new ways have been found. This Commissioning Joint Committee (CJC) guide reviews all the different methods, in order to try to pin down those that seem to work well in some circumstances and badly in others.

Public Library Statistics 2013/14 Estimates and 2012/13 Actuals (Excel)


This publication includes a detailed analysis of public library: revenue, expenditure and income; staffing levels; service points open to the public (including the number of people with access to online information); book stock and audio visual and electronic stock; annual issues; and inter-library loans, requests, enquiries and visits. It also includes details of agency services.
These statistics cover the Library Service in Great Britain and Northern Ireland as well as the Republic of Ireland.
(Private Companies - please contact us directly for prices)

Social Care Statistics 2012/13 Actuals (Excel)


This publication provides a detailed analysis of social care expenditure analysed between client groups, such as: older people, people with a physical disability or sensory impairment, people with learning disabilities, people with mental health needs, asylum seekers, and other adult services (ie HIV/AIDS and substance abuse).
The information is further analysed between local authorities and other authorities.
Other information includes a breakdown of the total population by age group, assessments and reviews, number of resident weeks, number of day care sessions, numbers of clients receiving services, hours of home care and meals served. Unit costs are calculated for most activities within each client group.

Social Care Statistics 2012/13 Actuals (PDF)


This publication provides a detailed analysis of social care expenditure analysed between client groups, such as: older people, people with a physical disability or sensory impairment, people with learning disabilities, people with mental health needs, asylum seekers, and other adult services (i.e. HIV/AIDS and substance abuse).
The information is further analysed between local authorities and other authorities.
Other information includes a breakdown of the total population by age group, assessments and reviews, number of resident weeks, number of day care sessions, numbers of clients receiving services, hours of home care and meals served. Unit costs are calculated for most activities within each client group.

Council Tax Demands and Precepts 2013/14 Estimates (Excel)


This publication describes the local levies made by authorities to fund expenditure following the implementation of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
It includes the number of chargeable dwellings by band; the average council tax per dwelling; the average Band D equivalent council tax; authorities’ budget requirements and levels of precepts.
(Private companies – please contact us directly for prices.)

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