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The Cash Flow Model will be refreshed for 2024/25. The model can dramatically reduce the time and resources needed to produce an accurate cash flow statement and notes, compliant with the CIPFA Code of Practice.
The Cash Flow Model will be refreshed for 2024/25. The model can dramatically reduce the time and resources needed to produce an accurate cash flow statement and notes, compliant with the CIPFA Code of Practice.
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The new model will be released in March 2025.
The 2024/25 Disclosure Checklist has been updated to reflect the reporting requirements introduced by the 2024/25 Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom (the Code). If you are responsible for preparing or auditing local authority accounts in the UK, including all three devolved nations, this checklist will provide all the authoritative guidance you are looking for to ensure that the requirements of the Code are met. This year, the requirements for all three nations are included in one checklist.
This is the online, digital version of the the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the UK: Disclosure Checklist 2024/25. If you are responsible for preparing or auditing local authority accounts in the UK, including all three devolved nations, this checklist will provide all the authoritative guidance you are looking for to ensure that the requirements of the Code are met. This year, the requirements for all three nations are included in one checklist.
These Guidance Notes offer constructive advice and assistance to practitioners and external auditors on all aspects of the detailed application and implementation of the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom 2024/25.
The Guidance Notes are your expert support in dealing practically with the preparation of the year-end financial statements and reports that accompany them.