Collaborating, influencing, inspiring and challenging: strong financial leadership is as much about working with people as working with numbers. Practitioners need to win trust, create impact, and foster a positive and ethical values-driven culture, as well as developing an approachable and supportive management style. Browse our range of courses below.
All of our learning carries CPD hours and if you don’t see the topic you’re interested in, we can work with you to develop content tailored to your needs.
Not sure what skills and capabilities you or your team need to develop? Our Key Competencies for Public Sector Finance Professionals can help.
How to book
Step 1. Browse the range of training courses below to find the one that suits you and your team.
Step 2. Or contact us about running a course in-house, at your location – a cost-effective, convenient solution for training teams: InHouseTraining@cipfa.org
CPD qualifications
Diploma in Finance Business Partnering
Diploma in Corporate Governance
Diploma in School Financial and Operational Leadership
Short courses
Leadership Development Programme
Introduction to Finance Business Partnering
Finance Skills: Governance and Accountability
Introduction to Finance Business Partnering
Finance Skills: Governance and Accountability
New skills for the modern auditor