Our briefings are designed to pull out the key information you need in public sector finance, offering CIPFA's position on and explanation of current policy.
- Developing an effective assurance framework in a local authority (PDF, 414KB)
- Adult social care charging reform in England
- Council tax is rising but the funding gap still exists
- Reflecting on the variations of council tax levels in England
- Council tax survey briefing (PDF, 139 KB)
- Measured resilience in English authorities (PDF, 579 KB)
- Home truths: CFOs on the path to integration (PDF, 144 KB)
- Investing in flexible public services (PDF, 302 KB)
- Five point plan for Northern Ireland (PDF, 298 KB)
- Sorting the plans (PDF, 312 KB)
- Public finances in Wales (PDF, 433 KB)
- Balancing local authority budgets (PDF, 307 KB)
- Wales Balance Sheet (PDF, 457 KB)
- Pre-comprehensive spending review (PDF, 306 KB)
- Northern Ireland's public sector (PDF, 482 KB)
- Housing associations right to buy (PDF, 305 KB)
- The health of health finances (PDF, 435 KB)
- English local authority reserves (PDF, 532 KB)
- Moving ahead with integration (PDF, 451 KB)
- Whole of government accounts (PDF, 411 KB)
- Open book contract management (PDF, 304 KB)
- Funding devolved government briefing (PDF, 310 KB)