CIPFA works with various organisations in the sphere of public sector finance
The Society of Municipal Treasurers
The Society of Municipal Treasurers includes members representing metropolitan, unitary, London boroughs, and combined authorities. The aim of the SMT is to build a professional network of S151 officers, to provide mutual support and discuss key issues relating to municipal treasurers.
Government Property Profession
Government Property Profession understands that managing public sector property estates effectively delivers value for money, enhances public services and creates wider economic, environmental and social outcomes for local communities. Members of the Government Property Profession are offered access to the full range of network events CIPFA Property organises both within the Asset Management Network and CPAS Network.
The Society of District Council Treasurer
The Society of District Council Treasurer represent the interests of district council finance on a national level. The executive committee comprises up to 21 of the district council chief finance officers (S151), who take responsibility for advising and leading on specific areas relevant to the finance profession.
The Society of London Treasurers
The Society of London Treasurers is a group made up of the section 151 officers from all 32 London boroughs, the city and the GLA Group. The aim of the society is to represent the interest of London on key local government financial matters.