Leverage the value of your public estate
CIPFA Property holds a unique position within the public sector, as both critical friend and trusted partner. As part of CIPFA, we can leverage wider existing expertise and experience, making our team unlike others which are solely focused on supporting individuals and organisations in the delivery of property and estates-related outputs.
Whether working with the sector through our consultancy offering, building surveys, property, highways and housing networks, or in the delivery of our acclaimed and sector-specific training courses, CIPFA Property is an industry leader. At our core, we are committed to ensuring the delivery of value for money outcomes with all decisions being seen through the primary lens of environmental sustainability and added social value.
CIPFA Property Advisory Services operates four networks providing advice, events and training on key issues affecting the public sector property professional. These are the:
- Strategic Assets Network
- Highways Planning Network
- Housing Advisory Network
- Property Training Network
For further information, please contact Keeley Forsyth propertynetworks@cipfa.org.
In addition to the networks training events, CIPFA Property run two formal qualifications:
We also offer the opportunity to tailor any of our network sessions to your authority and to be run in-house.
For further information, please contact Mark Poppy: property@cipfa.org or phone 0207 543 5868
Consultancy and advisory services
Our expert team can offer practical advice, training and support to improve the overall performance of your property portfolio and help deliver significant savings. This includes critical areas such as the development of asset management strategies, implementation of corporate landlord, structural reviews, governance reviews and wholesale property reviews which include both operational and non-operational assets.
For further information, please contact Keeley Forsyth: property@cipfa.org or phone 0207 543 5884
Our survey team offer a high quality, responsive and tailored service. To date we have carried out over 100,000 surveys for police, fire, health, local authorities and also the private sector.
For further information, please contact Jane Hughes: property@cipfa.org or phone 01244 394 622
Software solutions
AssetManager.NET is a fully web-enabled asset management software solution for the public sector ensuring your asset register and property database are compatible at all times.
For further information, please contact Keeley Forsythproperty@cipfa.org
Our varied benchmarking services help you drive improvements and offer value for money within property services. Our Scotland Property Benchmarking Group is example of local authorities successfully working together towards a common goal.
General enquiries
Contact property@cipfa.org.