Data Analysis in Excel

E-learning on data analysis designed to help you take your skills to the next level.

About the training

Analysing large amounts of data and presenting information that makes sense to your audience is an essential skill for many people.

In this short, eleven module course we aim to teach you the basic skills you need to analyse data effectively and efficiently. From Pivot Tables and Conditional Formatting to Lookup Formulas and beyond, 'Excel Data Analysis' will set you up with a great foundation upon which to build further skills.

Most of us can use Excel to some degree but there is always more to learn. This programme, developed by Filtered, a leading provider of personalised and intelligent learning, is designed to take your abilities to the next level.

How is the programme taught?

The course is 2.5 hours, with 7 modules including individual video lessons and exercises so you can follow along with the instructor and then practice what you have learned at the end of each section.

It is accessible via any internet-enabled device and enables you to progress through the topic areas at your own pace.

Who is it for?

If you have no Excel experience whatsoever, then this course is the perfect starting point for you. Perhaps you have some basic Excel knowledge, and you want to sharpen your analytical skills. Well, this training will get you up to speed.

It will be particularly useful to finance managers, those with budgetary responsibilities and students who handle large volumes of data.

Learning outcomes

Learn essential Excel techniques for analysing data sets. Such as:

  • Clean up data ready for analysis.
  • Create PivotTables and PivotCharts.
  • Lookup information using VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP and INDEX-MATCH.
  • Make decisions using IF Statements.
  • And more.


You will need a PC or Mac with a full version of Microsoft Excel (any version from 2003 to 2013 or Microsoft 365).


A 12-month subscription to the Data Analysis in Excel programme will cost:

  • £20 for non-CIPFA members.
  • FREE for all CIPFA members (including CPFA members, Affiliate and Associate members, student members and Fellows) – To make your purchase please contact