Administration in the LGPS: a guide for pensions authorities

Administration in the LGPS


This insight will assist anyone involved in the LGPS to better understand how they can oversee the delivery and quality of administration and communications within their administering authorities, with a view to identifying where improvements may be needed.








For many years the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) was relatively simple with benefits based on a final salary and the number of years an individual was a member. Changes in accrual rates, changes in taxation and the move to a scheme based on career average earnings have led to an increase in the complexity of the scheme.

Within the public sector environment there is also continuous pressure to drive down costs and the administering authorities of local government pension funds have not been able to avoid this pressure.

While the management of pension fund assets and the introduction of investment pools are critically important, it often means that pensions administration does not get the attention or resources it deserves. However the LGPS only exists to administer and pay benefits to its scheme members. 

This insight has been developed in partnership with Aon and aims to raise the profile and awareness of the pensions administration function. The guide is timely given the increasing focus by the Pensions Regulator on the need to deliver effective and efficient administration.

This insight has been written to assist senior officers, committee and board members to better understand how they can oversee the delivery and quality of administration and communications within their administering authorities, with a view to identifying where improvements may be needed.