CIPFA welcomes National Audit Office (NAO) report


Today’s report from the National Audit Office (NAO) on NHS financial management and sustainability presents a stark yet realistic picture of a service on the brink of financial resilience. The report adds to the overwhelming evidence that the NHS is perilously close to becoming unsustainable unless significant decisions on broader public service funding and reform are made.

The NAO’s findings and recommendations align closely with CIPFA’s calls for:

  • Recognition of the interdependence between public services: emphasising collaboration.
  • Greater focus on prevention: investing in health as an asset and dealing with the growing demand for NHS services.
  • Funding and finance reform: addressing the impact of the current NHS funding regime and underlying issues affecting productivity and financial resilience.

As the new government develops its 10-year plan for the NHS, CIPFA urges them to prioritise long-term solutions over short-term political gains. This means making tough decisions to address the widening gulf between demand for health services, the funding the NHS receives and how this funding is apportioned.

The NAO’s recommendations are welcome and provide a valuable roadmap for these necessary reforms. Implementing these recommendations will be crucial in ensuring the future financial sustainability of the NHS and all public services that impact the health of the nation.

Notes to editor


CIPFA is a global professional body, operating at local, national and international level. As a global leader in public financial management and governance, our aim is to make a difference to the world we live in. Our work enables people to prosper, protects the vulnerable and helps sustain the environment for future generations. We’re committed to changing lives for the better.

By setting standards, leading on policy debate and advising public bodies and governments we help ensure the money and resources used on behalf of citizens are raised and spent fairly, transparently, efficiently and free from fraud and corruption. Our goal is to always make it count.