EU referendum: the influence of EU membership on UK public services

The public purse, governance of public services and significant aspects of our working and personal life are inexorably linked to the UK’s membership in the European Union (EU). The EU has a far-reaching impact on public service management, delivery, demand, supply chain and funding.

As the degree to which different services in the public sector is affected by EU varies, this report summarises the relationship between the EU and national public sector issues, local government, health and integration, higher education, housing and crime and security in turn.

To strengthen this research CIPFA, as foremost experts in public finances, has gathered the perspectives of leading public service professionals and combined this with an opinion poll of the British public.

Using this information, CIPFA has sought to understand more clearly the benefits and drawbacks of EU membership in the delivery of public services.

The influence of EU membership on UK public services

CIPFA has sought to understand more clearly the benefits and drawbacks of EU membership in the delivery of UK public services. Download the report.