Health sector straw poll responses


In our January newsletter we asked subscribers to take part in our health sector straw poll. Here are the results:

Q. Do you think the recent settlement and subsequent planning guidance provide sufficient room for manoeuvre to deliver the Five Year Forward View?

Yes 28.6%

No 71.4%

We gave respondents the opportunity to elaborate on their answers. Here are a sample of the comments:

"Siloed central government targets prevent integration of services; short-term NHS targets prevent longer-term thinking and actions; draconian central NHS control and perpetual templates to return distract from doing the real work; payment by results causes adversarial not collaborative relationships; many CCGs are too small to do the work required of them with the management resources they are given."

"I would divert more resources into public health and prevention, restructure 111 and GP services (integrate with secondary care), and abolish CQC, NHSI and NHS England returning to strategic health authorities directly funded by DH through allocations rather than payment by results."

"More front loading."

"Targets necessary to be eligible for Sustainability and Transformation Funding unlikely to be achieved by most providers."

Do you agree with the responses? Please send your comments to E:

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