CIPFA and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) social care risk tool

This survey aims was to check whether unsustainable financial pressures might be faced by the adult social services department. By assessing the extent to which various risk factors apply, the tool gives a broad impression of how challenging it is likely to be to generate future savings.

Answer each question with an answer ranging from Not at all to Very strongly and click Submit when completed.

NB: The final average scores of the completed submissions (but not individual council scores) may be publicised on the CIPFA website and in our health newsletter

Are there high % age savings since 2010/11 - local authority as a whole?
Are there high % age savings since 2010/11 – adult social care?
Is there low relative spend per head of population - Council as a whole?
Is there low relative spend per head of population - adult social care?
Are the relative cost of individual services low?
Is there a lack of a detailed adult social care savings plan beyond 2017/18?
Is there a lack of a detailed adult social care savings plan beyond 2018/19?
If there is a detailed adult social care savings plan, are a high proportion of the savings speculative (i.e. there is a lack of clarity about how the savings will be made in practice?)
Local Pressures
Is there a relatively low cost of home care taking into account of whether the area is rural or urban?
Is there a relatively low cost of residential care?
Is < 10% of adult social care provision provided in-house?
Is the incidence of provider failure and/or contract handbacks increasing?
Are local providers relatively poor in terms of quality compared with national performance (based on CQC inspections and/or Safeguarding referrals)?
Is the NHS purchasing care at higher prices than the council?
Has the local authority accepted Council Tax freeze grant for some years?
Has the local authority not made full use of the adult social care precept and its council tax raising powers?
Is there a financially challenged health economy?
Are you relying on the local Sustainability and Transformation Plan to find significant savings to benefit adult social care?
Will the Sustainability and Transformation Plan lead to increased costs for adult social care which are not going to be funded by the NHS?
Will the Sustainability and Transformation Plan create workforce requirements which cannot be met?
Are older people demographic pressures above average?
Are younger adults demographic pressures above average?
Are carer services comparatively poor?
Are there high or increasing waiting lists?
Are there problems in recruiting the social care workforce?
Culture and relationships
Have there been more than 2 Directors of Adult Social Services in the last 5 years?
Is the Director of Adult Social Services new?
Is a high proportion of the corporate leadership team new to their role?
Are there significant challenges to the Council as a whole - critical inspections; leadership change in challenging circumstances?
Is there a difficult relationship between Director of Adult Social Services and Chief Executive and / or Chief Finance Officer?
Are there difficult relationships between Councillors or between Councillors and officers?
Are there difficult relationships with the local Clinical Commissioning Group(s) or NHS Trusts?
Are there complex relationships with the local Clinical Commissioning Group(s)?
Are there difficult or complex relationships with District Councils (if applicable)?