Our police forces have a vital role in protecting the public and keeping communities safe. They are often the first to respond to emergencies, tragedies or unforeseen events.
Over recent years, UK police forces have adapted to significant operational challenges and fluctuating funding. Police leaders also need to think about the impact of digitisation, the changing nature of crime and how police services themselves are delivered in a rapidly changing world.
COVID-19 has demanded greater flexibility – not only in the immediate response of the police sector but also in the way it plans for the future. The pandemic has brought sharp fluctuations in crime rates, a need to enforce compliance with regulations and requirements for new equipment and kit, all of which have combined to put unexpected strain on resources.
As with any other part of the public sector, the police continue to operate in unprecedented times. Change is happening at pace and being slow to adapt is not an option.
How CIPFA can help
CIPFA is the leading accountancy body for public services, providing lifelong education and learning in accountancy and financial management. We also provide a range of leading advisory and consultancy services across the public sector, including police. Best practice in public financial management is at the very heart of what we do and our ambition is to make a real difference to the world we live in.
CIPFA’s Achieving Finance Excellence in Policing (AFEP) programme works with forces to build on existing finance capacity, deliver tangible improvements and maximise financial health across the sector. Together with AFEP participants we share and explore the needs, wants and aspirations of today's modern forces.
In addition, CIPFA’s Police and Fire Panel and Network work closely with the Home Office, HMICFRS, National Audit Office, NPCC Finance and Resources Committee, Police and Crime Commissioners' Treasurers' Society and Fire Finance Network on a range of strategic policing and fire and rescue related issues to support both sectors. These include reforms, legislative change and financial and accounting developments to keep members abreast of current and future issues. Visit our Police and Fire Network page to find out more.
CIPFA Thinks
Read highlights of our UK police content from CIPFA Thinks.