Anti-Corruption Code of Practice consultation


Please note: this consultation is now closed.

CIPFA is pleased to publish this consultation on the review of The Anti-Corruption Code of Practice (the Code). The Code has been developed by CIPFA’s International team and is intended for use by public and third sector organisations internationally. Application of the Code is intended to be at the option of the organisation.

Corruption has a corrosive effect on societies. Misuse of resources intended for use in the delivery of public services harms the development of a country and the prosperity of its citizens. Public and third sector organisations can play a vital role in addressing corrupt behaviour and improving the quality of life for citizens.

The Code is intended to support organisations in working towards the prevention of corruption at a local or organisational level. The five key principles of the Code to be applied by organisations are:

  1. organisational leaders take ownership and lead by example
  2. identify corruption risks
  3. develop an appropriate anti-corruption strategy
  4. provide resources to implement the strategy
  5. take action in response to corruption risks.

Consultation details

CIPFA welcomes responses to the questions set out in the draft Code from CIPFA members and non-members. In particular, CIPFA welcomes feedback from representatives of public and third sector organisations outside the UK and from stakeholders with an interest in corruption prevention.

Responses should be sent to by 23:59 on 21 September 2022.


This webinar provides the opportunity to hear about CIPFA’s Anti-Corruption Code of Practice consultation. Following a brief presentation on the contents of the Code, there will be an opportunity to discuss the contents and provide feedback to help shape its development.