LGPS – Preparing the Annual Report: Guidance for LGPS Funds


Please note that this consultation has now closed

The previous edition of this guidance was published in 2014. This revised 2018 version reflects changes due to National Asset Pools, new legislation on investing, governance and benefits, and changes to year end reporting deadlines as well continuing interest in funding levels and investment management costs.

This public consultation process recognises that in England and Wales the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government has adopted this guidance as statutory guidance, and that therefore all affected and interested stakeholders should have an opportunity to comment on the proposals.

The proposed guidance, as a consultation draft, is free to download:

Preparing the Annual Report: Guidance for LGPS Funds (2018)  (PDF, 1.7MB)

We would welcome comments and suggestions in relation to these documents. Changes have been made throughout the document. Potentially particular areas for consideration include:

Statutory arrangements (pages 2-4)
Publication requirements (page 5)
A: Overall Fund Management 
B: Financial Performance 
C: Investment Policy and Performance Report Including investment management costs and returns

D: Scheme Administration Including performance data
E: Actuarial report on funds
F: Governance
H: National Asset Pools
K: investment Strategy / Statement of Investment Principles
M: Any other appropriate material, including Scottish and Welsh specific requirements

The consultation will close on end of day Friday 7 December 2018

There is no set response sheet. Comments are welcome in e-mail form or as attached documents. These should be emailed to gareth.davies@cipfa.org

Submissions will be regarded as on the public record and may be quoted, in full or in part, for the purposes of providing stakeholders with an analysis of responses.