The Guide for Local Pension Boards

The guide to local pension boards cover


This title looks at how local pension boards add value to the work of the pensions committee within the Local Government Pension Scheme. It considers how boards work with the administering authority, the governance and structure of boards and the roles of the LGPS Scheme Advisory Board and the Pensions Regulator.







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Meetings of local pension boards within the Local Government Pension Scheme started in 2015. The potential scope for boards, with their non-decision-making role, to add value was perhaps not fully appreciated at that time.

Since their establishment, experience has varied greatly between boards. In general terms however, their ability to add value by making recommendations to and gaining assurances on behalf of the pensions committee is becoming increasingly apparent. Boards have become critical but supportive friends of pensions committees.

This handbook contains various ideas that should help local pension boards in their quest to add value and ensure that they fulfil the various requirements and responsibilities that rest on their shoulders. It refers to relevant codes of practice from the Pensions Regulator and guidance from the Scheme Advisory Board and CIPFA, which should be read in conjunction with this handbook.

This title has been developed to add to the existing guidance and seeks to offer further insight into a range of issues. It will be of use to anyone who is involved in the local government pension scheme, pensions committees and pension boards and those who wish to learn more about the role of the local pensions boards and how they work with administering authorities.

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