A Guide to Local Authority and Public Sector Asset Management

Asset Management


Much of the existing public sector asset management guidance is too complex and disjointed to help busy asset managers, who have the constant daily pressures of keeping assets safe and secure for employees and the public.

This practical guide is targeted at directors, heads of service, asset managers and practitioners responsible for the effective oversight and management of public sector assets.






CIPFA Property

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A decade of austerity, climate change, the housing crisis, town centre regeneration and the ‘levelling up’ of left-behind communities are challenges for the public sector that can be delivered through effective asset management. But knowing where to start and how to put in place the building blocks of a successful asset management approach can be daunting and is often relegated to the ‘too difficult’ pile.

CIPFA Property has a long-standing national and growing international reputation as experts in asset management, helping a vast number of councils and other public sector organisations to develop and implement strategic asset management planning. Extensive experience of what works well and the pitfalls has been used to produce a step-by-step guide to asset management in the public sector.

It takes the reader on the asset management journey, from the development of strategic asset management policies and strategies designed to deliver corporate objectives through to the development, implementation, challenge and review of asset management practices and portfolios.

This publication is available as a downloadable PDF. Customers and subscribers will need to log in to CIPFA’s website to access the publication.