CIPFA Accuracy of Financial Forecasting Comparative Profile


Our comparative profiles use the latest CIPFA/DCLG Revenue Account (RA) and Revenue Outturn (RO) data, presenting it in simple, easy-to-read charts that show how your budgeted service expenditure compares to your actual expenditure, and also how your levels of budget accuracy compare with other authorities.






CIPFA Information Services

£250.00 excl VAT

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The profiles enable you to examine how the accuracy of your budgeting process compares to your peers, providing key decision-makers with a quick, inexpensive way to bring together recent Revenue Account and Revenue Outturn data, for 2012/2013, to support evidence based decision-making.

Our revenue outturn profile pack for 2014/2015 is available for £250 + VAT for unitary and county authorities and £175 + VAT for district councils.

Find out more about our comparative profiles.