Combating Financial Crime: Practical Advice for the Public Sector (2020 Edition)

	Combating Financial Crime Further Guidance on AntiMoney Laundering for Public Service Organisations 2020 edition cover


This guide, which is a revision of an earlier edition, updates public authorities on the latest money laundering regulations (including the 4th and 5th anti-money laundering EU directives) and draws on current best practices to prevent money laundering.







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The latest UK Annual Fraud Indicator figures, at the time of publishing, show that £40bn is lost to fraud. Moreover, the UK government recognises that “tens of billions” of pounds are lost to money laundering.

While public authorities are not legally obliged to apply the provisions of money laundering regulations, it is recommended that they employ policies and procedures to deal with the growing threat of terrorist financing, money laundering and other financial crimes.

We have expanded this guide to explore the different financial crime types, their impact on public authorities in the UK and globally and the relevant legislative environment. This updated edition includes such customer due diligence procedures as checking the controls of onboarding new vendors, including determining the ultimate beneficial owner of a company. The guidance also covers the implications of financial crime for leadership teams of public authorities, providing practical advice and highlighting the recommendation of nominating a money laundering reporting officer. 

This publication is available as a downloadable PDF. Customers and subscribers will need to log in to CIPFA’s website to access the publication.