Pensions Knowledge and Skills Framework

Knowledge and skills framework for LGPS members and officers


This Framework provides supporting guidance for administering authorities in applying the standards of the Code of Practice on LGPS Knowledge and Skills. It reflects the most recent developments concerning knowledge and skills and promotes good governance within the LGPS.







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CIPFA is continually reviewing and updating its guidance on strengthening governance and good management within the LGPS. The contents of this Framework have been written with transparency in mind – which is pivotal for good governance and sound financial management within all public sector bodies, including the LGPS – with a particular emphasis on decision makers and decision-making structures.

The principles of this guidance include the need for formal objectives, policies, practices and strategies concerning the knowledge and skills of those responsible for LGPS funds, namely committee members and senior officers. It is CIPFA’s intention that administering authorities will take and adapt this Framework to their own circumstances in an effort to deliver, assess and record training and development to enhance knowledge and skills. Administering authorities must maintain effective, ongoing maintenance and development of this knowledge, addressing gaps where required and increasing skills as appropriate.

The Knowledge and Skills Framework accompanies the updated Code of Practice on LGPS Knowledge and Skills.

This publication is available as a downloadable PDF. Customers and subscribers will need to log in to CIPFA’s website to access the publication.