Planning to Deliver Good Value in Demand-led Services (social care)

Planning to deliver


Planning to deliver good value in demand-led social care services (adult, children’s and SEND) is an ever-increasing challenge, especially in recent years when budgets have been tightening. However, this is an essential part of service and financial planning, to ensure that services not only remain within budget, but to ensure that they remain sustainable.

This publication will be of interest to all those involved in service and financial planning, including commissioners, finance, performance, and service managers and directors.







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Several local authorities successfully deliver good value in these areas, and this publication draws on their experience and best practice. It sets out a three step framework, based on a number of essential elements that recognise the challenges involved. This framework emphasises the importance of business partnering and ensuring plans reflect reality to enable improved operational and financial resilience.

Step one involves assessing how demand and costs are changing in reality; generally an upward curve. Step two explores the scope to bend this curve downward, which will only be possible with step three; the right investment to deliver.

It is hoped that this will enable more authorities to successfully plan for social care and so improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our society – good practice, delivering good value and good outcomes.

This publication is available as a downloadable PDF. Customers and subscribers will need to log in to CIPFA’s website to access the publication.