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Capital Expenditure And Treasury Management Statistics 2015/16 Actuals


This publication provides a wide ranging and comprehensive analysis of capital expenditure by: service; grants and advances; capital income from receipts and grants; credit ceilings and approvals; sources of long term borrowing; debt maturity structure; approved investments; and average rates of interest.
The survey covers all authorities in Great Britain.
(Private companies - please contact us directly.)

Council Farms Statistics 2015/16 Actuals


This publication provides detailed financial and other information on council farms/rural estates in England and Wales, including: the number and types of farm/rural estate; average size; acquisitions and disposals; tenancies; rent roll; capital expenditure on acquisitions etc and staff employed. It also includes operational and non-operational expenditure, including the cost of estate management.
As of 2015-16 DEFRA has started a collaboration with CIPFA on the collection of council farms, thus making the completion of the questionnaire a statutory obligation for England. CIPFA Council Farms data is used for the annual report to Parliament on Local Authority Smallholdings in England collated by DEFRA.
(Private companies - Please contact us directly for prices.)

Revenue Collection Statistics 2015/16 Actuals (Excel)


This publication contains a detailed analysis of authorities’ council tax and national non-domestic rates operations.
It includes analyses of the amounts collectable, current and previous years’ arrears, court costs, the number of accounts raised and the methods of collection, the numbers of council tax benefit recipients, exemptions and discounts, the number, type and rateable value of non-domestic hereditaments, enforcement action taken, and information on the type of arrangements for service provision.
(Private companies – please contact us directly for prices)

Council Tax Demands and Precepts 2017/18 Estimates (Excel)


This publication describes the local levies made by authorities to fund expenditure following the implementation of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
It includes the number of chargeable dwellings by band; the average council tax per dwelling; the average Band D equivalent council tax; authorities’ budget requirements and levels of precepts.
(Private companies – please contact us directly for prices.)

CIPFA Local Authority Expenditure Comparative Profile 2015/16


The CIPFA Local Authority Expenditure Comparative Profiles were developed in response to requests from local authorities from across England. Our comparative profiles use the latest DCLG Revenue Outturn (RO) data, bringing it into simple and easy to read charts that collectively build up a detailed view of how your service costs compare to others. In 2015 these popular profiles return for their third edition.

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