Gain best-practice guidance and expert commentary by attending our events and conferences, offered in a mixture of in-person, hybrid or online methods. Unable to attend live? Our on-demand webinars and podcasts are accessible any-time, anywhere.
Upcoming CIPFA Events and Training Courses
Our latest accredited training, conferences, events and webinars.
The Procurement Journey
When: 6 November
Where: Webinar
The Procurement Bill, talked about and anticipated for so long, has reached its final stages in parliament and at time of writing we anticipate Royal Accent within the next couple of months. There are many elements that even then will still need to be detailed through secondary legislation and once you add on the six-month notice period it’s not likely to come into force until October 2024.
Common Assessment Standard PAS91 - which one should you be using?
When: 7 November
Where: Webinar
This event has been developed to support public contracting authorities develop a better understanding of the New Common Assessment Standard (“CAS”). PPN 03/23 extended CAS to central government and wider public sector bodies to pre-qualify suppliers for works related contracts. PAS91 also continues to be used by contracting authorities and this event will seek to demystify this area and offer tips on what will work best for you in the future.
Certificate in Asset Valuation - Winter 2023
When: course starts 21 November 2023
Where: Virtual classroom
This course will provide you with a better understanding of the requirements and process of undertaking local authority asset valuations for financial statements.
The Wait is Over - Implementing the New Procurement Act 2023
When: 21 November
Where: Webinar
This event has been designed to support delegates gain an introductory and practical understanding of the new sections, schedules and published/available guidance to kickstart successful implementation. The event will also highlight areas which remain the same under PA23 and where day to day application needs to be adapted to avoid costly mistakes and delays to vital procurement projects.
Diploma in Contract Management
When: Course(s) start 23 November 2023, 13 February 2024, 9 May 2024, 12 September 2024, 31 October 2024
Where: Virtual Classroom
This unique qualification brings together contemporary contract management theory and existing good practice in a structured way. It has a highly applied and focused approach designed to give you the knowledge, understanding and practical skills necessary for managing contracts effectively.
Effective Procurement of Public Sector Insurance Contracts
When: 29 November
Where: Webinar
This event will provide a guide to the key factors involved in the procurement of public sector insurance. This will consider both the legal framework and the commercial considerations of the process as a whole. Delegates will also have a chance to raise any procurement related queries they may have.
Upcoming Partner Events
We regularly partner with other like-minded organisations and you will often find us speaking, or exhibiting at these events. Check back for details soon.
On-demand webinars and e-learning
View recordings of our previous webinars any place, any time. Register for our e-learning courses to study at a time that suits you.
CIPFA webinar: Bid-rigging dangers in procurement - what you need to know
8 December 2022
With procurement fraud a significant risk, this special webinar examines the dangers of bid-rigging, the common red flags to look out for and recent case studies affecting public bodies.
Interested in finding out more? Watch the Bid-rigging dangers in procurement - what you need to know webinar recording
CIPFA webinar: Fraud or poor contract management?
7 June 2022
Essential viewing for anyone with fraud prevention, contract management or procurement as part of their remit. Learn how to define something as fraud or poor contract management and listen to real life examples from Birmingham City Council.
Interested in finding out more? Watch the Fraud or poor contract management? webinar recording.
Sustainable Procurement for Places
31 March 2022
How can we harness the power of public procurement to meet the climate change challenge? In this webinar we explore how councils can develop the skills and capacity needed to help deliver green recovery through green procurement.
Interested in finding out more? Watch the Sustainable Procurement for Places webinar recording
Why Robust Procurement is Essential
24 March 2022
CIPFA Chief Executive Rob Whiteman is joined by Mohammed Hans (CIPFA Procurement and Commissioning Network) and others, to discuss the need for robust procurement in public services along with the issues facing the sector.
Interested in finding out more? Watch the Why Robust Procurement is Essential webinar recording
Introduction to Sustainability in Procurement e-learning
On-demand e-learning
This four-hour e-learning course offers and introduction to the subject of sustainability in a procurement context.
Access the on-demand e-learning: Introduction to Sustainability in Procurement e-learning
Finance Skills: Procurement and Contract Management e-learning
On-demand e-learning
This e-learning course offers a comprehensive introduction to managing procurement activity in a practical manner to help achieve real value for money.
Access the on demand e-learning: Finance Skills: Procurement and Contract Management
Diploma in Finance Skills for Public Sector Managers e-learning
On demand e-learning
This e-learning course is designed for those without formal qualifications in finance or accountancy, but who, as part of their job roles, need to understand robust governance, budgeting and financial management and best practice in procurement and fraud prevention.
Access the on demand e-learning: Diploma in Finance Skills for Public Sector Managers
Listen on-the-go and hear the latest thinking from both CIPFA and the wider public sector.
CIPFA Speaks! Procurement
13 May 2021
This episode focuses on all things procurement across the public sector. We were joined by Mohamed Hans (Procurement Network Adviser, CIPFA), Lianne Deeming (CEO, Blue Light Commercial) and Fiona Hunt (Spend Network), touching on policing, the procurement Green Paper and gender bias in government procurement. Listen to the podcast: Procurement