Guidance, recommendations and readings for local authorities.
Advisory note one
This note formalises key messages surrounding recent governance failures that have been identified in statutory and non-statutory reviews and public interest reports. It reinforces the good practice principles that local government bodies in the UK should adopt and signposts relevant documentation.
Advisory note one: Understanding the challenge to local authority governance
Advisory note two
This advisory note provides a high-level summary of the government guidance on severance pay and recommends a number of actions that a s151 officer may wish to consider.
Advisory note three
This advisory note formalises key messages from the CIPFA practice oversight panel on the crucial importance of good governance during the establishment and subsequent operation of council-owned companies. It reinforces the good practice principles that local government bodies in the UK should adopt, and uses the experience of others to identify examples of good practice.
Advisory note four
This advisory note formalises key messages from the CIPFA Practice Oversight Panel on the crucial importance of good practice in external borrowing. The note reinforces the good practice principles that local government bodies in the UK should adopt and uses the experience of others to identify examples of good practice.
Advisory note four: Reinforcing good practice around local authority borrowing
Advisory note five
This advisory note formalises key messages from the CIPFA Practice Oversight Panel on the crucial importance of seeking assurance that the annual accounts are true and fair. The note reinforces good practice principles that local government bodies in the UK should adopt and uses the experience of others to identify examples of good practice.
Advisory note five: Statement of Responsibilities