Press Release: CIPFA calls for fair and sustainable social care charging reform


The current adult social care charging system is unfair, unpredictable, and complex.. CIPFA’s new publication [Charging for adult social care in England: reform and routes forward] calls for an approach to funding adult social care where adequate funding is provided in the short-term for services to recover and to deal with current challenges, and a commitment to adequate long-term funding to make services fit for the future.  

Reform should specifically ensure that any reforms are equitable and do not benefit or disadvantage one group in society over another, and that local authorities are fully funded to implement the reforms. 

With the delay of the implementation of the Government’s proposed adult social care charging reforms from October 2023 to October 2025, we have the opportunity to take stock of the reforms and to consider possible routes forward. 

Dr. Will Burns, CIPFA Social Care Policy Advisor said:

“The wider social care system is facing a myriad of challenges to do with workforce, unmet need, increasing demand, and the risk of market failure. Without stable and adequate long-term funding, effective public financial management is hindered. Short-term funding arrangements have impeded long-term planning, development, innovation and investment in social care. Charging reforms need to be fully funded for local authorities to implement them successfully.

“Among other recommendations, we’re calling on Government to:

  • Produce a new impact assessment for social care charging reform
  • Provide a long-term social care funding settlement
  • Improve access to social care
  • Introduce a cap on care costs that includes local authority contributions.” 

Notes to editor

Download the full report.

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