Government Property Profession

CIPFA Property understands that managing public sector property estates effectively delivers value for money, enhances public services and creates wider economic, environmental and social outcomes for local communities. Members of the Government Property Profession are offered access to the full range of network events CIPFA Property organises both within the Asset Management Network and CPAS Network.

Visit the Asset Management Planning network

Visit the Construction and Property Advisory Service

Sherin Aminossehe CIPFA Property has a history of working closely with many leading agencies and partners on asset management within the public sector and we look forward to working with them developing and improving our work as government property professionals.

They are able to offer a range of learning and development events — with discounted rates for their AMP and CPAS events. To find out more, contact us on or LinkedIn.

Sherin Aminossehe, Head of the Government Property Profession

Rob WhitemanPublic services rely on high quality medium term planning, and there is no more important factor on this than property. The government property profession not only ensures that on day to day basis services and operations operate in fit for purpose environments, but crucially at a major role in developing and delivery medium term resource strategies.

Given the pace of consolidation and the chancellor's drive for asset rationalisation that underpins efficiency and policy properties such as housing, there has never been a more effective tone for a well trained, supportive and effective property profession. CIPFA is pleased and proud to give all the help we can.

Rob Whiteman CPFA, CIPFA Chief Executive