Hearings and decisions

Details of forthcoming disciplinary hearings and published decisions

Disciplinary scheme hearings

CIPFA's disciplinary hearings are generally held in public, although they may exceptionally be held in private once a committee has considered the issues and announced publicly the reasons for a private hearing. Details relating to public hearings will normally be posted 14 days in advance of the hearing.

Please contact the Scheme Administrator at dsadmin@cipfa.org if you are interested in attending one of our hearings. The administrator will provide you with information about the hearing to facilitate your attendance.

Upcoming disciplinary committee hearings:

No matters currently listed for hearing.

Please note that hearings may be adjourned at short notice or may be held in private, in full or in part, which would lead to the public being excluded from that (part of) the hearing.

Disciplinary scheme decisions

Disciplinary decisions in which a reprimand or higher sanction is imposed can be read below.