Members in practice handbook

The Members in Practice Handbook sets out the guidance for members in practice and CIPFA's standards relevant to this area. PLEASE NOTE: These handbooks are for reference only.

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance (PDF, 64 KB) – Explains what level and type of professional indemnity insurance PC holders are required to hold.
  • Clients' Money Regulations (PDF, 76 KB) – PC holders may hold clients’ money – this states how these monies should be treated, and what arrangements a member should have in place.
  • Continuity Arrangements (PDF, 57 KB) – Continuity arrangements must be considered by PC holders – this outlines what members should do and how to set up arrangements.
  • Professional Liability (PDF, 123 KB) – Consider the requirements for client engagements. Please login to My CIPFA to gain access to the PA Help Sheets.