Retired members

Retired CIPFA Members Group in the South East


The primary purpose of the group is to arrange social events for retired members in the South East. The events are not intended to have educational/Professional training content but are organised to help keep in touch with fellow CIPFA members.


The group is open to retired and semi-retired members in the South East who in turn can invite an additional person to the social events. Attendance at all other CIPFA South East events is also very much welcomed. The experience of semi/retired members is very valuable.


The Retired Members Group is established by the CIPFA South East Council who will appoint a nominated lead for the group. The nominated lead is Peter Hollinshead who has a place on the Council and will report on a regular basis.

Proposed events

Retired members will be canvassed as to the proposed events but some suggestions include:

  • RHS Wisley and Hyde Hall
  • Sissinghurst Gardens
  • Eltham Palace
  • Stock Exchange
  • Wembley Stadium
  • National Gallery
  • River Boat to Greenwich and the Maritime Museum

Members will be expected to meet their own costs of attending the events but it is hoped that some sponsorship funds will be available to partly offset those costs. 


Interested? All retired members should receive an email to gauge their interest. You can also contact through LinkedIn.