From Cost to Price: The Practitioner’s Guide to Commissioning Sustainable Social Care

From cost to price cover


This guide is aimed at those with some involvement in, or awareness of, the commissioning of social care. It is designed to help local authorities to engage in informed discussions with care providers about care costs, reasonable efficiencies and the level at which fees are set.







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If you are a CIPFA Publications subscriber, have you downloaded the Briefing Note to accompany this title?

This publication will help local authorities to meet their statutory duties, under the Care Act 2014, to commission adult social care in a way that supports sustainable care markets that offer local people a diverse range of quality care services.

The guide draws on case studies from across the country, and includes illustrative costings, models and documents, together with a summary of principles and checklists of key questions to make it a practical tool for senior social care staff and their corporate, finance and procurement colleagues.

The main topics covered are:

  • the nature of the relevant markets
  • how to ensure – alongside providers – a collaborative understanding of costs and income
  • the various commissioning approaches in use
  • an explanation of the tools available and how to apply them.

There is separate consideration of the relevant characteristics and costing models for care homes, home care and learning disability services.

Putting the guide into practice will enable local authorities, and health commissioners of nursing care, to obtain adult social care in a way which provides value for money on a sustainable basis.

This publication is only available as a bookmarked downloadable PDF. Customers and subscribers will need to login to CIPFA’s website to access the publication.

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