Producing a Sustainability Report

Producing a Sustainability Report cover


This publication will help you to produce a sustainability report that is clear, concise and relevant to planning and decision making. And a report that avoids unnecessary complexity while providing information that will support the organisation in better identifying and responding to sustainability related opportunities and threats.








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Many public service organisations already produce a variety of information on environmental, social, and economic matters, although this data is not often applied to sustainability reporting.

Drawing on developments in UK public sector sustainability reporting, while also looking at ways to incorporate existing data collected by organisations, this publication provides the reader with practical information on:

  • producing a concise sustainability report – steps in the process
  • a sustainability reporting framework for public service organisations
  • using existing data – an example based on the CRC energy efficiency scheme
  • connecting financial and non-financial information
  • examples of current public sector sustainability reporting
  • integrating sustainability into planning and decision making
  • options regarding assurance
  • the case for sustainability reporting
  • guidelines for reporting on water, waste and greenhouse gas emissions
  • examples of social indicators.

Information on the international integrated reporting framework is also included along with a glossary and a resources chapter.

This guide is available in book and bookmarked PDF formats.

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