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Financing Energy Projects


Improving energy efficiency can result in significant economic and environmental benefits. Public sector organisations are increasingly seeing energy costs rise, which in turn increases the financial attractiveness of projects aimed at reducing energy consumption. This publication takes a look at public sector energy schemes and their financing.

Finance and General Statistics 2013/14 Estimates (PDF)


This publication is the recognised source of summary information on local authority budgets, council taxes and national non-domestic rates.
An analysis of each authority’s service expenditure is provided together with information on the level of specific grants, revenue support grant and the amount of expenditure funded by national non-domestic rates and council tax.
(Private Companies - Please contact us directly for prices)

HRA Self-financing Performance Toolkit


The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Self-financing Performance Toolkit is designed to provide housing authorities with the means to self-assess their HRA performance against the principles set out in the Voluntary Code for the Self-financed HRA. HRA Self-financing started in April 2012. Self-financing means local housing authorities can retain all the money they receive in rent which enables them to plan and provide services to their current and future tenants.

Accounting and Auditing Standards: A Public Services Perspective (2013 Edition)


This revised edition provides an overview of standard setting as it affects public services in the UK, explaining the process by which standards are interpreted or adapted for the different public service sectors, and the key differences from private sector practice.

Accounting and Auditing Standards: A Public Services Perspective (2013 Edition)


This revised edition provides an overview of standard setting as it affects public services in the UK, explaining the process by which standards are interpreted or adapted for the different public service sectors, and the key differences from private sector practice.

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