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Social Care Statistics 2010/11 Actuals (Excel)


This publication provides a detailed analysis of social care expenditure analysed between client groups, such as: older people, people with a physical disability or sensory impairment, people with learning disabilities, people with mental health needs, asylum seekers, and other adult services (ie HIV/AIDS and substance abuse).
The information is further analysed between local authorities and other authorities.
Other information includes a breakdown of the total population by age group, assessments and reviews, number of resident weeks, number of day care sessions, numbers of clients receiving services, hours of home care and meals served. Unit costs are calculated for most activities within each client group.

Fire And Rescue Service Statistics 2011 (PDF)


In this publication, the estimated expenditure and income figures are shown for the Fire Service per thousand population, together with data on: fire risk categories; the number of fire stations; appliances (including the number of planned acquisitions); and personnel. Final outturn figures are also included.
(Private Companies - Please contact us directly for prices)

Fire And Rescue Service Statistics 2011 (Excel)


In this publication, the estimated expenditure and income figures are shown for the Fire Service per thousand population, together with data on: fire risk categories; the number of fire stations; appliances (including the number of planned acquisitions); and personnel. Final outturn figures are also included.
(Private Companies - Please contact us directly for prices)

Police Statistics 2011/12 Estimates (Excel)


This publication contains a detailed analysis of estimated revenue expenditure and income, plus a wide range of other financial data including information on police pensions, police authority costs, capital programmes and levels of reserves and balances.
Non-financial information includes details of police officer numbers by grade, other staff levels and the number of pensioners.
(Private Companies - please contact us directly for prices)

Police Statistics 2011/12 Estimates (PDF)


This publication contains a detailed analysis of estimated revenue expenditure and income, plus a wide range of other financial data including information on police pensions, police authority costs, capital programmes and levels of reserves and balances.
Non-financial information includes details of police officer numbers by grade, other staff levels and the number of pensioners.
(Private Companies - please contact us directly for prices)

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