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The Performance Pulse: Managing Performance to Achieve Strategic Outcomes


This guide is intended to help senior decision makers and managers across the public services to design or redesign their organisations’ performance management systems, and use them for improvement.

The Performance Pulse: Managing Performance to Achieve Strategic Outcomes


This guide is intended to help senior decision makers and managers across the public services to design or redesign their organisations’ performance management systems, and use them for improvement.

The Financial Guide for Arms Length Management Organisations


This includes changes and announcements by the coalition government on regulation and how a self-financing Housing Revenue Account will impact on ALMOs.

Buying Time: A CIPFA Pensions Panel Guide to Procuring Efficiency in Public Sector Pensions Administration


This guide investigates the current public sector procurement framework as it applies to pension schemes, supplemented by some topical case studies that demonstrate the latest thinking in procurement and service delivery practice.

Better Benchmarking for High Performance


Not only does benchmarking tell an organisation how it performs, but also how much better it should perform. As the squeeze on the public finances tightens, money must go further. This guidance discusses the steps needed to get an organisation ready for benchmarking that helps drive performance improvement.

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