
By registering on the site you will be able to book on events, buy publications, register as a student or member, access subscription services you or your organisation has subscribed. You will also be able to and keep your work and membership address and contact details up-to-date and confirm what communications you want to receive from CIPFA.

While registering you will be asked to agree to our terms and conditionsprivacy policy and cookie policy.

Please note

If you have your CIPFA Contact Ref Number (PNID), e.g. 000000-CIP, 000-NF to hand please enter it; or alternatively, if you have forgotten this number please contact Customer Services ( or call 020 7543 5600)

You can still register without this number.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

Your password must rate at least 'Strong'. Random letters, no repeated, random numbers, and special characters, and a combination of these could form a good password. Password length must be greater than 8 characters.
Screen name must be between 1 and 15 characters, letters and numbers only. This can be used to login with and will be visible in our Discussion forums

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).