The Procurement Journey

CIPFA Property image: a series of buildings

Event summary

The Procurement Act gained Royal Assent in October 2023 following 18 months of Parliamentary scrutiny and debate. There are many elements that even now will still need to be detailed through guidance and/or secondary legislation before its expected implementation from 28 October 2024.


15 July 2024
Starts: 10:00
Ends: 16:30



Standard price

£375.00 excl VAT

Network Member Price

£325.00 excl VAT

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About this event

This comes at a time when the country is still recovering from the pandemic, geo-political factors as well as record inflation which has resulted in many challenges for public sector bodies. 

One of the biggest risk for public procurement going forward is that the combined legacy of the last few years, capacity challenges and pre-Brexit rules may reinforce a risk averse culture. If this happens, it will be a missed opportunity not just for public procurement but more importantly, for public bodies, communities and local small firms who should benefit from the updated procurement landscape.

Our event provides an essential introduction to Government proposals to transform public procurement and how they can provide the framework which best meets the needs of your organisation and the wider community it supports. Property and infrastructure procurements are some of the most complex and the costs can be significant if we get it wrong. We’ve called this webinar the procurement journey because it starts with initial inception and will take you stage-by-stage through to post project review.

Who should attend?

This course is aimed at Directors, Heads of Service, procurement officers, asset managers and those involved in property and infrastructure procurement.

How will I benefit?

The webinar will take you through the procurement processes of major property and infrastructure projects from inception, through design and construction to post-project appraisal. We will give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to be able to apply new approaches to public sector procurement in an innovative way which delivers positive outcomes for your communities.

The day will be interactive and will give you the opportunity to find out what is happening in public sector procurement and provide practical tools and guidance for you to apply back in your organisations.


  • Local government
  • / Property

Download programme schedule

Procurement Journey July 2024PDF 75 KB

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Speaker - Mohamed Hans, Procurement Advisor, CIPFA Procurement and Commissioning Network (CPCN)

Mohamed Hans

Mohamed joined CIPFA in 2004, after working as a senior commercial solicitor for a number of West Yorkshire local authorities. He is an expert on the European Public Procurement Rules, and has written extensively on this topic. He has also developed widely-used practitioner toolkits. He is also invited to speak at conferences (UK and abroad) and is often the first point of contact for practitioners understanding complex procurement issues. He manages the CIPFA Procurement and Commissioning Network, which has nearly 100 member authorities.

Tel: 07717 345188.

Speaker - David Bentley, Head of Asset Management, CIPFA

David Bentley

David is a professionally qualified quantity surveyor with over 35 years’ experience in the public and private sectors. He has been with CIPFA since 1998 and in this time has become known as one of the leading UK experts on property and asset management within the public sector.

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).