Responses to Welsh consultations

CIPFA's responses to discussion papers and consultation documents on this topic are available below in date order.

28-06-24 CIPFA response to the Health and Social Care Wales Bill

PDF 120 KB

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15 06 18 Welsh Reform Consultation Strengthening Local Government

PDF 334 KB

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12 01 18 Capital Finance and Accounting (Wales) Regulations 2003

PDF 132 KB

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16 01 13 WAL Submission to Consultation on Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015

PDF 316 KB

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16 01 13 Submission to Finance Committee Inquiry into Asset Management

PDF 498 KB

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15 11 12 WAL Submission to the Welsh Government Green Paper Our Health, Our Health Service

PDF 307 KB

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15 06 08 WAL National Assembly for Wales Finance Committee-Consultation on Future Funding

PDF 342 KB

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15 03 18 WAL Consultation submission on the Local Government (Wales) Bill

PDF 231 KB

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14 09 30 Response Welsh Government White Paper on Reforming Local Government

PDF 151 KB

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14 01 16 WAL Response HofC Welsh Affairs Committee Pre legislative Scrutiny of draft Wales Bill


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