Cash Flow Statement Model

CIPFA's Cash Flow Statement Model is a key tool for many authorities in producing their statement of accounts.

As local authorities and their finance teams continue to operate with reduced resources, there is a complex challenge to produce the statement of accounts quickly and accurately. Our Cash Flow Statement Model makes your accounts closure process more efficient and offers assurance that you are complying with the requirements of the latest code of practice.

Benefits and features

The Cash Flow Statement Model will help you produce an accurate cash flow statement and easily auditable working papers in record time:

  • calculate all cash flow statement items from existing financial statements and notes, ensuring figures are entered only once to reduce errors and omissions
  • identify areas requiring further analysis elsewhere in the financial statements and working papers
  • promote a structured approach to the preparation of the cash flow statement to ease the audit process

Buy now

The Cash Flow Statement Model costs £1,000 for a one year licence, or £1,500 for a three year licence.

Contact us

For any enquiries regarding the product please contact our customer services team on 020 7543 5600 or