treasury risk roadmap

CIPFA, in conjunction with Public Sector Live (PSL), have developed a suite of products and services built on treasury best practice. The CIPFA Risk Roadmap is a suite of services that provide unparalleled support to help finance officers, treasury practitioners and S151 officers navigate the uncertain times ahead.

Treasury risk roadmap Operating under some of the most austere economic
conditions seen in the UK in decades, and faced with the headwinds of financial and political turmoil across Europe and the global markets, Local Authorities are faced with hugely challenging financing and treasury decisions.

Our suite has these themes at its core, and includes:

Step 1: CIPFA Treasury Management Risk Toolkit
Just recently launched, this CIPFA publication will give finance and treasury managers much needed guidance on the professional tools, techniques and analysis that public service organisations should be using to manage their treasury exposures. 

1a: Additional support: Toolkit Report Builder
The Report Builder will contain organisation specific reports recommended by the Treasury Toolkit and available for practitioners to download.

Step 2: National Treasury Management Risk Study
The aim of the 3rd TM study (taking place in June) will provide respondents with a snap-shot overview of their treasury risks, in accordance with CIPFA recommended best practise.  You must not miss out on this free opportunity to understand the treasury risk exposure of your organisation.  Participation in the Risk Study will also entitle you to a free trial of the new TreasuryLive system when it launches in October.

2a: Additional support:  Reports/training
Treasury Risk Reports will give commentary on the nature and quantum of an individual Authority’s treasury risks and key findings on a Council’s exposure will be identified.

Step 3: TreasuryLive – A cash management and risk report platform
Once you have a clear snapshot of the risk profile of your organisation, you will need to monitor your treasury operations on an on-going basis.  Our state of the art Treasury & Risk Management System  will transform your treasury operations at both a strategic and operational level, giving you many long term benefits, including:

  • Best practice reporting capability
  • Improved budgeting and forecasting ability
  • ‘Toolkit’ compliant risk analysis
  • A deal recording system
  • The ability to monitor your live credit risk portfolio
  • Accurate cashflow management
  • Live monitoring against Prudential Indicators
  • Management & Financial Reporting
  • Daily reconciliation of your banking position

Risk is more than ever,  the core focus of all treasury activity, and Local Authorities need to have (and be seen to have) clear and consistent strategies in place to demonstrate best practise and value for money - we are here to help you achieve this objective.