Technology and financial management

Find key insights on the impact of technology on public financial management, and resources to support public finance professionals.

Why is technology important to the public sector?

Technology is revolutionising public finance by enhancing transparency, efficiency, and accountability. Embracing these innovations is vital for modern governance, ensuring that public finances are managed effectively and equitably, and for meeting the cost pressures of modern public finance.

How is CIPFA supporting the sector?

CIPFA has developed a range of resources, which are designed to empower professionals and organisations to leverage technology for better public service delivery.

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Note, this is a collaborative session with ICAEW and participants will have to register on ICAEW’s zoom link to access the recording.

  • AI strategy and risk management in the public sector 

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Delivered in partnership with the Southampton Data Science Academy (SDSA), this flexible online course explores the art of data science.

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