Perspectives on fraud: insights from local government

CIPFA takes an evidence-based approach to helping local authorities fight fraud. This research project was commissioned with the aim of improving awareness and generating new insights into counter fraud management in the public sector.

Tackling Fraud in the Public Sector

Completed by Perpetuity Research, the report Tackling Fraud in the Public Sector: A Local Government Perspective is an in-depth look at fraud from professionals within UK local authorities – from counter fraud professionals to heads of service delivery.

CIPFA wanted to understand how those working in local authorities perceive both the problem of fraud and potential solutions. The project offers a snapshot of what people see, think and feel about fraudulent activity today, and how they think it's likely to change in the future.


On 31 March 2020 we hosted a webinar featuring Professor Martin Gill and Janice Goldstraw-White from Perpetuity Research and Laura Hough, CIPFA's Head of Counter Fraud Policy and Strategy.

Key themes

A few key themes emerged from this research, which reflect CIPFA's own understanding and which we'll build on in the coming months.

  • Culture: the importance of a robust counter fraud culture, supported by effective systems and controls
  • Technology: the increasingly visible benefits and challenges associated with digital technologies
  • Resources: the necessity of sharing information and working together to make the most of limited human, financial and technological resources
  • Prevention: the critical role that preventative measures and prevention-minded individuals play in the fight against fraud

Related research

This most recent project, focused on individuals' perceptions of fraud, complements CIPFA's Fraud and Corruption Tracker report (CFaCT), which looks at the number of fraud and corruption cases reported and recovered by local authorities. Taken together, they offer a unique picture of a sector making significant inroads in the fight against fraud, but also impacted by ongoing budget cuts and new technologies.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about the research methodology or the findings, please contact: