
Predictive analytics 

New for 2023 – our Predictive Analytics can help your organisation to predict your data. To book a demo or find out more about the new service and how it can support your organisation contact or call +44(0)207 543 5600. 

With over a 100 years of experience, CIPFA is the independent source data about local government and wider public services. CIPFAstats+ has helped a wider range of public sector organisations ranging from district councils to large metropolitan authorities. The platform is designed to aid decision-making across local authorities.

CIPFAstats+ can help you:

  • understand your organisation's costs, demands and performance
  • review performance trends and identify areas for improvement
  • network, exchange insights and good practice
  • further inform discussions with your integrated care system
  • highlight opportunities where savings could be made through better management of costs and demand
  • gather key management information and provide assurance in comparison to other regional local authorities and to nearest statistical neighbours
  • improve logical structure of data, making it clearer and easier to navigate
  • visualise the significance of data comparisons
  • focus on key social care metrics, such as unit costs
  • compare local, regional and statistical nearest neighbour authority changes
  • produce insight reports highlighting areas of high and low service performance

Subscribe to CIPFAstats+

To arrange a demonstration, find out about costs, or subscribe to CIPFAstats+ please contact us on or 020 7543 5600.