counter fraud code of practice assessment tool


The Better Governance Forum and CIPFA Counter Fraud Centre have developed an interactive Assessment Tool, designed to help public sector organisations measure their counter-fraud arrangements against the Code of Practice on Managing the Risk of Fraud and Corruption.

Why an Assessment Tool?

CIPFA launched the Code of Practice in October 2014. It sets out the five key principles that define the governance and operational arrangements necessary for an effective counter fraud response.

We developed the Assessment Tool to help organisations apply these principles in practice. A set of guidance notes is also available.

About the Assessment Tool

Interactive, accessible and easy to use, the Assessment Tool will enable you to:

  • evaluate your performance against the counter fraud code
  • generate reports and graphs to illustrate your performance against the code
  • view examples of good practice to help inform your assessment
  • record comments, providing a robust evidence base for the assessment
  • share and track progress with your team
  • support your governance statement and inform your development plans.

The Assessment Tool also allows you to benchmark your organisation against others, giving you an invaluable insight into the experience of your peers.*

Local authorities will find the Tool particularly useful when they come to prepare their annual governance statement, which must include an evaluation of the adequacy of their counter fraud arrangements.

Special offer for subscribers

If your organisation is subscribed to either the Better Governance Forum or the Counter Fraud Centre, the Tool will be automatically sent to your organisation’s key contact, free of charge. 

*As a subscriber, if you would like to receive benchmarking reports comparing your organisation’s performance against others, you can purchase the supplementary benchmarking service.

Technical details

The Assessment Tool requires you to have Excel 2010 or newer to ensure optimum performance. If you are using Excel 2003 or 2007, you will experience loss of functionality.

The Tool will be sent to via email to the person who makes the purchase, soon after payment has been received. It will be personalised with the name of your organisation.

Full instructions on how to use and get the most from the Tool are contained within the Tool itself, together with a set of frequently asked questions. Our contact details are also included, in case you have further queries.

Price and how to purchase

If you are a BGF or Counter Fraud Centre subscriber, you can purchase the supplementary benchmarking service for £225.