Support for employers

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to be of major national and international concern and, in order to safeguard public health, the government has introduced restrictions on travel and gatherings. It’s important that the service we provide to employers continues uninterrupted during this uncertain time and therefore we have made some necessary changes to service delivery.

Our COVID-19 hub provides updates and information relevant to you as a CIPFA employer. If you have any questions or issues that you need support with, please contact the membership team – we are here to help.

Moving our face-to-face training online

We acted quickly in response to COVID-19 and all tuition was moved online through CIPFA Learning, our virtual learning environment (VLE) with effect from 18 March 2020. Students were emailed with links to attend live web classes, the dates and tutors for which will match their planned face to face tuition, with exceptions made only in the case of illness and no viable cover. In this eventuality we will offer the corresponding day on an alternative class where timings align and students will at all times have access to the recorded versions of prior web classes to download and stream on laptop, tablet or smartphone.


In line with government guidelines around COVID-19, students who are currently expecting to sit a CIPFA exam in June 2020 will be able to take their online exam remotely. Students will be able to take exams at home or can choose a private setting other than their home, but no exams will be offered either at workplaces or CIPFA venues. Find out more.

COVID-19 Employer Webinar

A COVID-19 Employer Webinar will be held on Tuesday 21 April 2020, 12.00 to 13.00.

Hear about the latest changes and arrangements we have put in place to deliver the CIPFA PQ and Apprenticeship training programmes in the coming months. Chaired by Nicola Campbell, Head of CIPFA Education and Training Centre, you'll also meet and hear from four other key members of the team involved in the management and delivery of our professional qualification, apprenticeships and exams. The webinar will conclude with a Q&A, open to all who are joining us. Register now.

Maximising the learning experience through live web classes

Our live web classes include interactive aspects to strengthen learning. Students can raise virtual hands, type questions in a chat box (to all attendees or their tutor only) and if they have a microphone can be unmuted by the tutor to speak – just as they would normally do in face-to-face classes. Short polls, quizzes or requests to type answers into the chat box are all tools used to foster engagement.

Registers are maintained of all live attendance which show learners email and time logged on to session. Access to CIPFA Learning (VLE) with digital materials, discussion forum and links to practice tests, progress tests and mock exams on a page per module will be accessible throughout this period, as usual.

Work-based learning coaching

All work-based learning coach progress reviews to monitor skills and behaviours development will continue to the usual schedule but instead via telephone, Skype, Microsoft Teams or GoToMeeting. Apprentices are invited to suggest alternative software such as Zoom where this is easier for them. Coaches are holding weekly standardisation meetings where they will discuss opportunities to adapt to and even use the response by employing organisations in the recording of both 20% off the job training and work experience.

Ongoing support for employers

Our Apprenticeship and Customer Services teams are working from home with full access to all our systems. Calls to our Apprenticeship team in Birmingham will be re-routed via Customer Services and emailed to the team for follow up. If you have a question or an issue you'd like us to help you address, we encourage you, and your students/apprentices, to request a call back by sending us an email.

Latest news from CIPFA

Our press office provides a snapshot of the latest updates from CIPFA and an overview of our position on key public finance matters and COVID-19.

CIPFA Futures

CIPFA Futures is our wide-ranging consultation and review of our professional accountancy qualification syllabus. This is part of our work to ensure that CIPFA's professional accountancy qualification continues to support and enable the public finance professionals and public service organisations of tomorrow. The dramatic arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic is an urgent reminder of the critical need for responsive and strategic public financial management. If you would like to be part of the consultation, we would love to hear from you.

Please check this page for regular updates for employers. Return to our COVID-19 hub or visit our dedicated COVID-19 page for students.