Support for members

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to be of major national and international concern and, in order to safeguard public health, the government has introduced restrictions on travel and gatherings. It’s important that the service we provide to members continues uninterrupted during this uncertain time and therefore we have made some necessary changes to service delivery.

Our COVID-19 hub provides updates and information relevant to you as a CIPFA member. If you have any questions or issues that you need support with, please contact the membership team - we are here to help.

Latest news from CIPFA

Our press office provides a snapshot of the latest updates from CIPFA and an overview of our position on key public finance matters and COVID-19. 

Technical Enquiry Service

Our Technical Enquiry Service remains open and available to all CIPFA members and registered students across the UK. The service includes guidance on CIPFA’s professional codes including the statement of financial reporting practice, the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting and SeRCOP, and other financial reporting, governance and audit issues.

Cashback on essentials and groceries through CIPFA Rewards

As a CIPFA member you have access to CIPFA Rewards which includes special offers and discounts on a range of essential purchases. These include the cashback service offered on in-store purchases at major food retailers including Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Marks & Spencers, the Co-op and other retailers. Discounts also apply to technology and computer retailers for individuals and parents who are purchasing PCs and laptops during the lockdown period. 

Supporting good mental health

In these unique and challenging times, it is important to look after your wellbeing and mental health. To support you, we have commissioned six wellbeing webinars from a qualified Mental Health First-Aider. Find out more.

Online CPD and resources

Many of you will be exceptionally busy during the working day just now, due to the demands placed upon you by the current crisis. However, if in the coming weeks, you have an opportunity to look at areas for personal and professional development, here is a reminder of some key resources for members:

  • Management Direct: the comprehensive online management and leadership toolkit provided in collaboration with the Chartered Management Institute. Free access to a vast array of resources to support and enhance your career, and contribute to your CPD. 
  • On-demand webinars: our series of pre-recorded 60-minute webinars are a great way to pick up information, hints, tips and knowledge on a range of topics to improve your skills. Also counting towards one hour or one unit of CPD.
  • Training from CIPFA: all of our scheduled open courses and network events are going ahead as planned and are being delivered online.  
  • CIPFA Speaks!: our popular monthly podcasts bringing together the latest thinking from both CIPFA and the wider public sector on vital issues facing public finance and policy-making.
  • Managing Public Money free online course: delivered in partnership with The Open University Business School, our free four-week course is a superb primer or refresher for anyone working in public services and not-for-profits.
  • Public Money & Management journal: if you have time to catch up on some reading, your membership entitles you to free access to this major international, academic and professional journal covering public sector finance, policy and management. 

CIPFA Futures

CIPFA Futures is our wide-ranging consultation and review of our professional accountancy qualification syllabus. This is part of our work to ensure that CIPFA’s professional accountancy qualification continues to support and enable the public finance professionals and public service organisations of tomorrow.  The dramatic arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic is an urgent reminder of the critical need for responsive and strategic public financial management. If you would like to be part of the consultation, we would love to hear from you.

Renewing your membership for 2021

Payment for the membership year 2021 is due on 1 January. If you would like to pay your membership subscription please visit MyCIPFA. If you are having difficulties in making payment please let us know. You can email our membership team or call us on +44 (0)20 7543 5600. We would also like to remind you to complete your Annual Membership Statement, if you have not yet done so.

Please check this page for regular updates for members. Return to our COVID-19 hub or visit our dedicated membership pages.