treasury management forum

The Treasury Management Forum was formally launched in Edinburgh in January 1994 and is funded solely from its members.

In recent years given the ever increasing profile and specialist nature of treasury management it has been invaluable in providing a forum for open discussion and debate. It promotes the development of best practice and provides an impartial and informal environment for practitioners throughout the public sector in Scotland to share knowledge.

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The forum is independent from, but has a presence on, the Treasury Management Panel and also regularly submits information to the CIPFA Scottish Branch of the Directors of Finance on topical issues. It has developed strong communication links with other stakeholders including the Scottish Government, CIPFA and treasury consultants.

The forum assisted in the development of both the Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice and Cross-Sectoral Guidance Notes, (Fully Revised Second Edition 2009) and CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities (Fully Revised Second edition 2009). It also liaised closely with the Scottish Government on the development of the new investment framework and statutory instruments which were enacted on 1 April 2010.

The forum meets regularly throughout the year and consistently attracts high pedigree speakers.

The membership embraces all councils in Scotland as well as several in the North of England. Health trusts, housing associations, water authorities and higher/further education institutions are also welcomed as members.