Homelessness Reduction Act 2017

posted on 03 May 2017, updated on 03 May 2017

The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 received Royal Assent on 27 April 2017. It places increased responsibilities on local authorities to intervene to prevent homelessness, and is intended to refocus activity on prevention. It will also improve the help available to people who are not in priority need, such as single homeless people.

Under the Act, a person is classed as 'threatened with homelessness' if they have received a possession order or notice of termination of their tenancy that expires within 56 days, increased from 28 days.

The Act includes a number of new duties:

  • a strengthened and clarified duty to provide advice and information
  • a duty to assess every eligible applicant's case and agree a personalised plan
  • a duty to take reasonable steps to prevent homelessness where an eligible applicant is threatened with homelessness
  • a duty to help to secure accommodation for all eligible applicants.

The government is providing 'new burdens' funding of £61m over two years to cover the increased costs. This was increased from £48m due to amendments made during the passage of the Bill.

The DCLG has produced several factsheets on the measures within the Act.