Welsh auditor unearths 4.4m of fraud and overpayments

posted on 20 July 2016, updated on 26 July 2016

Around £4.4m of fraud and overpayments have been identified in Wales through the latest National Fraud Initiative (NFI). In a report released today, the auditor general for Wales outlined the findings of the latest biannual counter-fraud exercise, covering the period 2014/15.

The NFI has uncovered and prevented fraud and overpayments worth £2.14m in council tax single person discount and £1.6m in housing benefit.

The NFI matches data across organisations and systems with the aim of helping public bodies identify and eliminate fraudulent or erroneous claims and transactions. Since it was created in 1996, the NFI has identified around £30m in fraud and overpayments, and £1.39bn across the UK.

The latest exercise saw 42 Welsh public sector bodies participate, including local authorities, police and fire authorities, and NHS bodies. In addition the Welsh Government, Cardiff University, Welsh education inspectorate Estyn, and the Wales Audit Office participated in the NFI on a voluntary basis.