Planning for the right homes in the right places

posted on 20 September 2017, updated on 20 September 2017

The DCLG's consultation, Planning for the Right Homes in the Right Places, published on 14 September 2017, sets out a number of proposals that aim to take forward measures announced in the Housing White Paper, to increase housing supply.

These proposals include a standard method for calculating housing need in a local authority area. This is intended to be simple and transparent, based on publicly available data, and realistic, reflecting actual need and affordability.

The approach set out in the consultation involves setting a demographic baseline (a projection of future annual average household growth in the area over a ten year period). This would be adjusted to take account of 'market signals' using the ratio of median house prices to median earnings. There would then be a cap on any increase to ensure that it is realistic.

Other proposals relate to neighbourhood planning, statements of common ground to improve how local authorities work together, changes to viability assessments for Section 106 agreements, and increased planning application fees for local authorities that are delivering sufficient housing.

Responses to the consultation are due by 9 November 2017. Subject to the outcome of the consultation, the government intends to publish a revised Planning Policy Framework in spring 2018.